New Hampshire Law Makers Pass Municipal Electric Aggregation
The Governor’s office has provided us with great news which will give consumers such as yourselves more options and choices. Senate Bill 286 was signed into law last August that allows Municipal Aggregation for electric supply in the Granite State. The main issue has been that reputable suppliers have no real interest to solicit the individual consumer or small businesses because the load does not justify the effort. Towns now have the authority to bring choice and stability to its community through Municipal Aggregation. It enables towns and cities to combine the purchasing power of its residents and businesses so that it can provide them with an alternative for electric supply. Once in place, the local government can monitor and set its own energy-related goals for the program such as savings, stability, or green options. Consumers are no longer “stuck” with the cost and fluctuation of the utility’s Basic Service rates because the program offers another option. As a baseline, many states have adopted this initiative with Massachusetts having introduced it in 1997.
This Program only affects the supply portion of the monthly bill. It does not affect the delivery side. Utilities will continue to deliver the electricity but towns and city’s, using a competitive bid process, will choose a supplier for the Program with terms that can fix a rate for years instead of months. The only difference is that ‘Public Power’ will be printed under the “Supply Services” section of the monthly bill and payment will continue to the utility for processing. The utility will continue to respond to emergencies, read meters, and maintain the distribution and transmission lines. The reliability and quality of service will remain the same. Furthermore, all existing consumer rights and protections will continue. The Town can set its own energy-related goals such as long-term rates or green options. Although the program does not guarantee savings, our experience shows that it does over time.
The Neighborhood Energy team has the experience and expertise with municipalities and will be the agent in all matters related to the aggregation so that no additional costs are incurred by the Town. We will manage the program with technical analysis; competitive procurement of services; regulatory approvals; accounting and fiscal management; contract maintenance; communications; program coordination; administrative support; first contact on all energy matters. The end result is ‘peace of mind’ for all stakeholders.
As a next step, the utilities, suppliers, and the Public Utility Commission are finalizing the go-to market policies and procedures. We continue to monitor the situation and we will advise on the availability.
Your Friendly Neighborhood Energy!